Monday, September 8, 2008

Mountain States Cup Series: RECAP

As everyone close to me knows, this summer has been spent chasing E around mountains in Colorado and New Mexico while he raced his mountain bike. Sometimes I would take my Kona (once I got the replacement) and I would ride around while he raced, and I admired wildflowers, dirt and the fact I was not racing (thank goodness). When I wasn’t riding my bike I would hike the course and play lone cheerleader for the cross country racers and Main Cheerleader and support for E. Cross country racers don’t get the fanfare downhill racers get. There is less carnage so less people are interested to watch people suffer as they ride their bikes up steep ski hills. In my opinion, it doesn't take much athletism to ride a chairlift, point your bike downhill and hang on. Cross country riders however, ride up the hills before they ride down. That is something to give credit too. That is just my opinion, back to the news and podium shots of this past weekend. There were quite a few!

This weekend E rode tremendously and not only took 2nd in his category for Short Track, but placed 3rd when they combined his age group with the next age group also. Sunday he raced the 18 mile Cross country course in 1:35. He placed 5th for the day and setting himself firmly in second place for the series. AWESOME!!! GREAT JOB E!!! I am proud of you!

On the Podium Saturday for the Curcuit Race:

On the Series Finally Podium: Second for the Series. Nice Hardware!!!

MS took a hiatus from the MSC series after purchasing a condo with his wife J in Winterpark, subsequently committing to the Winterpark series. We were sad not to have them at the MSC series races, but happy to help them enjoy their condo in Winterpark. Last weekend MS placed second in the pro class in Winterpark and this weekend he raced semi-pro, placed third and once again joined the podium crowd at MSC. GREAT JOB!!!

MS is on the far right, next to another C. Springs local character; Kalin, who also rode an amazing season. Sitting on the top podium spot for the Fall Classic

Another friend (RA) took first for the series in his age group of expert men 50+. All year it seems he has been collecting National and State championship jerseys, and he would have once again placed first in this weekend race, had he not decided to kiss a tree half-way through the race. Still, after his tree love session he still managed second place for the race and first for the series. After crossing the finish line, getting bandaged up, while we took his bloody bike to the car. When I asked RA how he was doing he gave the quote of the weekend “Chicks dig scars”. I guess that sums it up.

RA waves from the podium spot he is the least accustomed too this weekend. I should have gotten a close up shot so you could see his bandage and blood on the jersey. That's hawt...

Because I think RA is a rockstar, I have to include a picture of him putting on his National Championship Jersey in July.

Thank you to RA and his wife SA also for being such amazing hosts and inviting us to stay at their home in Breckenridge.

Next up: Cyclo-cross Season