Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Old 97's

AMAZING Concert last night.

Rhett and the boys put on a show that lasted into the early morning.

If you ever get the chance to see Rhett Miller or the Old 97's live I highly recommend it. Not only is it one of my favorite bands, Rhett is probably one of the most charismatic people I have ever met.

The opening bands were I Love Math (from Dallas)on tour for the first time. You could tell they were heavily influenced by the old 97's. I bought their CD. The second band was Hayes Carll. E liked them a lot and bought their Cd. They were a bit too twangy country for my taste, but respectable talented musicians none the less.

What a great night!!! Definitely worth the three cups of chia tea I have needed today to stay awake.

1 comment:

Nuclear Mom said...

I have been hearing "I love Math" on XM regularly lately. I always pause just because I love the name of the band. ;-)