Monday, April 21, 2008

Snowcats, Singletracks and Switchbacks

That is the wrap up of my past three weekends:

E and I celebrated our finish to the ski season at Copper Mtn with a fun trip in the snowcat to the top of Tucker mtn and an amazing trip down with boards strapped to our feet.

Going Up:

There is only one way down:

After taking this picture I think I giggled the rest of the way down...stopping once to try to photograph a jump. It didn't work... Damn, why does the season have to be over?
The next weekend we headed to Fruita for E to ride in his first race of the season. I spectated, hiked and soaked up the vitamin D while sitting on the rocks. My body almost went into shock, spending a weekend not wear 3 layers of clothes and finally able to show skin below my neckline.
Here you can see the Semi-pro men taking off (there is one woman in this group too, Georgia Gould--because she is a bad-ass. I met her while waiting in line at the porta potty--nice lady)

The view of part of the course: How different the landscape is one week and a couple hundred miles west of Summit County

This past weekend I welcomed the start of spring with a visit from my parents, my dad's margaritas, and a hiking adventure up the Pikes Peak Incline and down Barr Trail the morning after the margaritas. Nothing kills a tequila headache like a grueling hike up the incline with one's father.
Thanks Dad!

Welcome Springtime!!! Here are my first two blooms in my bulb garden. Have I mentioned how much I love spring?

1 comment:

Happy Sock said...

I never see you anymore. You and your new life and all. LOL Looks like fun!