Today on my drive into work, I heard something very disturbing but not at all surprising. A cyclist was killed in a hit and run accident yesterday.
Since commuting to work on my bike, I have been hit by one car and run off the road twice. Lucky for me, all three incidents happend with no injuries. This town by far is the most un-bike-friendly town I have ever lived. Sometimes it feels like cars aim for cyclists. How many more people will have to die before we see changes?
To give you an example of how backwards thinking people in this town are, read this article in our local paper The Gazette. In response to a bike lane being added to one of the downtown though fare streets, where one citizen is eloquently quoted as saying: “We’re not Europe. We don’t need bike lanes.” Who wants to bet this person has obese children suffering from ADHD and drives a Hummer, (or gas-guzzler equivalent) across town to get to work, back across town again to pick up McDonalds for dinner, then again across town to pick up their kids Ritalin at wal-mart, before driving home to suburbia? Cursing gas prices the entire time. Of course they would never consider an alternate form of transportation. That is for those god-dammed liberal minded hippy type people, Not the average god loving, good Americans that live in Colorado Springs, support our troops, and go to New-Life Church on Sundays. Lets not even get into the hypocracy of the Christians of this town. RAR!!!
(wow, little tiny tirade there—whoops,sorry if I offend. Wait, No I am not. People in this town piss me off, and this is a perfect example of the typical Colorado Springs resident) I need a bigger soap box.
I looked in the newspaper and saw nothing about the cyclist that was killed. I then looked at the police blotter on line and read that this accident happened on garden of the Gods Road, a road I ride on every day I commute.
This whole situation hits way to close to home and has me all angry. I hope they find the woman that did this and the family of this man is able to find some peace. My heart breaks for them.
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
Sad. Sounds about like Reno to me. The single most bicycle and pedestrian unfriendly town I ever lived in.
You go girl! From what I understand about the bike incident - a woman ran a red light in her vehicle while driving eastbound on GOG road, striking a bicycle rider who was crossing the street. Though there were a number of witnesses, nobody was able to get the accurate license plate # from the run vehicle. We can only hope she has a soul and will either turn herself in, or karma will step in and allow a large boulder to fall on her the next time she is riding HER bike. What a douche-bag. The chances of her turning herself in may be lowering as there is now an aggravating factor since she left the scene, so she would be looking at time in the state pen. COME ON KARMA!!!!!
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