Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm Still Kickin

I have not fallen off the planet, I promise…

I have been busy with all sorts of adventures but once I sit down to blog about them, my camera is dead and my battery charger is at home where I am not. So any pictures I have come from my crackberry.

Quick up date…

Great American Beer Festival was a huge success, see even the bear wanted into the convention center to get some delicious beer.

I also got the opportunity to volunteer at Bristol Brewery (in return for free beer—which I will never complain about). Every year they make a seasonal pumpkin ale (Venetucci Pumpkin Ale) that is absolutely delicious and this year I helped make that happen. Be watching in the next couple weeks for this beer to be in Colorado Liquor Stores and local taverns. YUM!

My father had a small set back two days before he was to head back to the Midwest to start on his own adventure. He was in the hospital for 10 days with a nasty case of pancreatitis. Luckily he is out of the hospital and on the mend. Unfortunately he missed going to the CSU Homecoming game. I am thankful I had the flexibility to come to Fort Collins to spend some time and cheer him up. I think the morphine got to his head though because he got an idea that I was interviewing for jobs up here. I had to remind him Fort Collins is low on my list of places I want to relocate too. Sorry.

More to come later. For those keeping track, I am still running, swimming and cycling like a mad woman. Next event: Half Marathon in December, (I hope…)

1 comment:

Sonal Modisette said...

do you have a half in mind for Dec?? We are trying to get out to do the Vegas - you should too!